REQuest: Help please with VBA, form fields


Ramping Slowly

Hello all,
I need to learn UserForms but I have a working form I have built. Success
with this has hooked me to learn more --but some information or specific
ideas from experienced Word VBA authors could help.

I use VBA in Word 2000 to read a data file into VBA variables including
my own data types (the data is plain text from another source)-- I load
the data into protected form fields by setting the result of the field
equal to my variable's value -- then leave the Document_New() macro so I
or someone else here can also do some hands-on editing to other form
fields in this template.

I must have discovered a "famous" secret if my guess is true...
...Does Word / VBA / etc. have something that prevents me from
moving String data over approx. 250 characters into a form field that
otherwise is defined as Unlimited length ???

When I try to use a longer declared String variable (500 char.) I get
errors during run that the string is too long where I am otherwise
successful in moving the shorter string into the field.

If there is a work-around or a clever way to get it done a bit at a time
--those would probably be great.

Thanks for help to someone just getting started.

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