Glad that part is is working.
When you paste code in these newsgroups the lines are sometimes
myString = oFF("Day").Result & "/" & oFF("Month").Result & "/" &
Should all appear on one line. I think that will resolve your issue.
<Also, what does & "/" & mean in the code?
If I type 12 October 2006 in the fields then I want the string to be
built as:
12/October/2006. (Thinking about it now I don't suppose that is really
charlie6067 wrote:
Hi Greg,
The MakeSuffix code works great and I added a message box to alert
users if a number larger than 31 is typed in the Day field. I can add
this to several other forms.
But, when I pasted the DateAddUp code in VBA, one line of code was
immediately flagged in red (using Word 97). When I ran the code I got a
"Compile error: Syntax error. "
myString = oFF("Day").Result & "/" & oFF("Month").Result & "/"
myString and oFF were declared so I don't know why it's being flagged?
Is it due to my version of VBA or how can I fix this?
Also, what does & "/" & mean in the code?
As always, thanks again,
Greg Maxey wrote:
Well there is no tax on thanks yet! Glad I can help.
charlie6067 wrote:
Hi Greg,
A million thanks again for you continued help with my problem. I've
learned more from these forums than from the Help file or books
(although I am working my way through "VBA for Dummies." Whatever I
learn is shared with my forms team and it's also saved for future
reference. I'd like to give you a raise for helping me, but then
taxes, you probably wouldn't have much left to spend - q=8^ ?
Thanks again!
Greg Maxey wrote:
Let's say you have four formfields bookmarked Day Suffix Month
Laid out like: effective the Day Suffix of Month, Year.
The Suffix field is not enabled for fillin.
You have another field bookmarked "FinalDate" that is also not
enabled for
One exit from the Day field you could run something like:
Sub MakeSuffix()
Dim oFF As Word.FormFields
Set oFF = ActiveDocument.FormFields
If Not IsNumeric(oFF("Day").Result) Or oFF("Day").Result > 31 Or
oFF("Day").Result < 1 Then
'Handle your error
End If
Select Case oFF("Day").Result
Case Is = 1, 21, 31
oFF("Suffix").Result = "st"
Case Is = 2, 22
oFF("Suffix").Result = "nd"
Case Is = 3, 23
oFF("Suffix").Result = "rd"
Case Else
oFF("Suffix").Result = "th"
End Select
End Sub
On exit from the Year field run something like:
Sub DateAddUp()
Dim InputDate As Date
Dim IDate As Date
Dim FinalDate As Date
Dim oFF As Word.FormFields
Dim myString As String
Set oFF = ActiveDocument.FormFields
myString = oFF("Day").Result & "/" & oFF("Month").Result & "/" &
InputDate = myString
IDate = DateAdd("yyyy", 2, InputDate)
oFF("FinalDate").Result = DateAdd("d", -1, IDate)
End Sub
Note. You will probably want to include code that will alert the
user if an
invalid date is entered or to ensure the fields are not left
blank. Either
will throw and error in the simplified code above.
Greg Maxey/Word MVP
For some helpful tips using Word.
charlie6067 wrote:
Greg and Dave,
On this form, I just found out that our legal department wants
agreement's effective date written as "...effective the [day]
[month], [year]." When the user completes those three fields,
how can
VBA convert them into a valid date that can be used for date
calculations later in the form, such as with the code you've
I've looked at similar posts but can't seem to get the coding
to not
use the system date. The code will look at the extract date and
add 2
years minus 1 day. The above legal date may likely be later
than the
system date when the form is completed. I'm sorry I didn't have
the facts before making the first post.
charlie6067 wrote:
Hi Dave,
Many thanks for your quick reply and code. I'll try it out.
Dave Lett wrote:
Hi Charlie,
Here's what I have in my document:
Effective date: 10/11/2006
Calculated date: 10/10/2008
There are a total of eight fields. The effective date has
fields: { Date \@ "MM" }/{ Date \@ "dd" }/{ Date \@ "yyyy" }
I think bookmarked each field as Month, Day, Year
The calculated date has five fields (2 nested inside of
three): { =
{ Ref Month } } / { = { Ref Day } - 1}/ { = { Ref Year } +2 }
You could do something similar in your document.
I've read through many posts and other articles on
calculating date
fields but can't find an answer to this specific use. I'm
a legal agreement where the user types the effective date in
field. There is another place in the document that needs to
the effective date field and add 2 years to it and then
subtract 1
day (7/15/2006 = 7/14/2008). I had planned to use a simple
box to explain how the user can manually calculate this
date but want to know if this date can be automatically
for them? I know that Word's {Date} fields can be a bit hard
work with but wonder if VBA is a better route, and how to
code it?
Many thanks,