requesting assistance with cell formating


Anne Rachuy


I received a spreadsheet from a client with hundreds of rows of dollar
amounts. The cell that have a figure that is 1.00 or greater have no
problems, but the cells that have a dollar amount from 0.01 to 0.99 show up
in the cell as ="0.25" instead of 0.25. This is obviously causing a problem
when attempting to add up the a series of rows since "0.25" is a label, not
a number. My question is how can I easily convert ="0.25" to 0.25 without
going through cell by cell and re-entering the number? This spreadsheet has
over 15,000 cells with dollar amounts and I definitely don't want to go
through each one cell by cell. I've attempted to reformat the cells, but
that has no impact on it.

If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate the help.




One way is to highlight all your data, then Data | Text-to-columns,
then click <Finish> on the first panel.

Another way is to select a blank cell and click <copy>, then highlight
all your data and Edit | Paste Special | Add (check in lower panel)
then OK and <Esc>.

Hope this helps.


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