Require Field Entry based On Other Entry



I'm trying to Require Entry in a Field on a form if another field has a
certain entry. I've tried the following code in Before Update:
If Me![Customer]="Mutual" and IsNull(Me![Returns]) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value in Returns."
Cancel = True

But it's giving me the error message:
"Block IF without End IF"


Duane Hookom

That's one of the more accurate error messages

If Me![Customer]="Mutual" and IsNull(Me![Returns]) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value in Returns."
Cancel = True
End If '<-- add this line as the error message suggests


LOL, sorry to waste your time! I copy and pasted from another post.
Duane Hookom said:
That's one of the more accurate error messages

If Me![Customer]="Mutual" and IsNull(Me![Returns]) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value in Returns."
Cancel = True
End If '<-- add this line as the error message suggests

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

PPCO said:
I'm trying to Require Entry in a Field on a form if another field has a
certain entry. I've tried the following code in Before Update:
If Me![Customer]="Mutual" and IsNull(Me![Returns]) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a value in Returns."
Cancel = True

But it's giving me the error message:
"Block IF without End IF"


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