Hi, we are currently running Microsoft Project Professional 2003/Project
Server 2003 and Microsoft Project WEB Access within our IT organization. I
am new to being a Microsoft Project administrator. Prior to my arrival, a
consultant helped with the Project installation and training and during the
training explained to the PM community that risks could be set up to be
approved in the same way that timesheet updates currently are. I have been
asked why risks are currently automatically updated to the project without
approval and how to set up the environment so risks have to be approved. I
have been struggling with finding exact information on how to do this. I
found documentation on the Microsoft Office Online assistance site stating
that With the risks feature, you can "Require that risks be approved by a
manager" but cannot find the detailed information on exactly how to set this
up. Can anyone help? Thanks so much for any information or guidance you can
Server 2003 and Microsoft Project WEB Access within our IT organization. I
am new to being a Microsoft Project administrator. Prior to my arrival, a
consultant helped with the Project installation and training and during the
training explained to the PM community that risks could be set up to be
approved in the same way that timesheet updates currently are. I have been
asked why risks are currently automatically updated to the project without
approval and how to set up the environment so risks have to be approved. I
have been struggling with finding exact information on how to do this. I
found documentation on the Microsoft Office Online assistance site stating
that With the risks feature, you can "Require that risks be approved by a
manager" but cannot find the detailed information on exactly how to set this
up. Can anyone help? Thanks so much for any information or guidance you can