Required fields



I have 3 optional sections in 1 form, and the display of the sections depends
on 1 combo box.
All 3 sections have mandatory fields, but I want my users to see only one of
the sections.
I can't submit because the required fields are not filled (since they are
not displayed).
Any sugesstions?


Are you using User roles?
If u r using User roles based on user role you can set required fields for
that section.
When we want show the section when user role is "XXX", fields should be
required when only user role is "XXX" remaining all situations fields should
not – required.
I hope this will help you,



Well, this doesn-t help, since the view does not depend on the user, but on
the field.
The users chose the type of the form by selecting the combo, so they should
have permissions on all sections.


Well - have you tried refining your manditory field criteria?
Field A, B, or C are manditory - but only one is mandiatory - Set your
data validation to look for 'A' is not blank or 'B' is not blank or 'C'
is not blank...
Another option - if the fields are similar - yet exclusive of each
other - and your data definitions allow it - you can try keeping all
three fields A, B, and C in the same Text Box or what have you - simply
change the layout of the form based on the selection criteria - a bit
of legwork - but it makes the form easier for the end user IMO... (The
End User opens 1 form, and selects the type they want and the form
reconfigures itself on the fly...

Hope it helps

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