Required Form Fields for Templates



Has anyone used required fields in their Word templates?
We would like to have certain fields required to be
completed prior to the sender automatically routing the
completed template to the next user.

Greg Maxey


If you use a protected form you can run a variation of the
following macro run on exit from the mandatory field:

Sub ExitText1()
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text1")
If Len(.Result) = 0 Then
Application.OnTime When:=Now + TimeValue
("00:00:01"), Name:="GoBacktoText1"
Set Balloon = Assistant.NewBalloon
With Balloon
.Text = "No Data!" & vbCr & "You must fill
in this FormField"
.Button = msoButtonSetOK
.Animation = msoAnimationBeginSpeaking
End With
End If
End With
End Sub

Sub GoBacktoText1()
End Sub

By variation, I mean you will have to make a macro and
change "Text1" to the bookmark name of each mandatory

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