Hi Herb,
Yes, that did fix it in Word
Thank you.
Separately, it also looked like the use of
Application.Run MacroName:= to execute a Word command
might be a solution for putting the Word built in command
into a macro so it could be put on the QAT.
Th DrawInsertLine command can be assigned a keyboard shortcut to execute and lets you draw a Word 97-2003 style line (blue sizing
handle) in a Word 2007 document rather than the Word 2007 Insert=>Shape=Line that inserts a 'straight connector'.
The 'old style lines' let you use things like 'Edit points' from the right click menu, but aren't included in Word 2007's
Insert=>Shape menu, but without being able to put it in a macro it's not a 'visible' addition I could make to add it to the QAT, and
saving an already drawn line to a Building Block isn't quite the same as getting the cross hair cursor to draw one <g>.
Bob ?
Interesting. Since I'm constantly turning the research bar on by accident, I
hadn't ever encountered a situation where it had not previously been
displayed during a Word session. So, I never noticed.
This should fix it, though:
Sub ResearchToggle()
On Error GoTo Boo
CommandBars("Research").Visible = Not (CommandBars("Research").Visible)
GoTo EndIt
Application.Run MacroName:="Research"
End Sub