Research Study Mailing/Participation Summary Table - Multiple Fields Multiple Dates



I need to produce a summary report of participants in a research
study. Here are the steps:
1. We first send out an initial/introduction letter telling the
person about the study and that we will be calling them in two weeks
to see if they will participate.
2. We then call them and they either agree, refuse, or they are
unable to be contacted (phone disconnected maybe).
3. If they agree to participate, we mail a packet with the materials
they need to fill out.
4. Then will also need to note when the packet of materials is
returned completed.
5. All of these things may be happening in different months.

Fields that are included:
[InitialLetterMailed] - a checkbox - check when letter is mailed (ILM)
[InitialLetterMailedDate] - date field - update when letter is mailed
[ParticipationContactStatus] - a combo box - choices: Agreed (AtP),
Refused, (RtP) Unable to be Contacted (UtC)
[ParticipationContactStatusDate]- date field - update whenever change
Participation Status
[PacketMailed] - a checkbox - check when packet of materials is mailed
[PacketMailedDate] - date field - update when packet of materials is
[PacketReceived] - a checkbox - check when packet of materials is
returned (PR)
[PacketRecdDate] - date field - update when packet of materials is

My report summary needs to look like this:
Jan-07 10 4 1 0 5 1
Feb-07 20 16 5 2 3 3
Mar-07 15 5 1 0 1 3
Total 45 25 7 2 9 7

Examples to illustrate:
1. Sally's initial letter is mailed in Jan (A1 plus 1). We contact
her in Jan and she agrees to participate (B1 plus 1). Her packet is
mailed in Feb (E2 plus 1). She returns her packet in March (F3 plus

2. Bob' initial letter is mailed in Jan (A1 plus 1). We reach him
in Feb and he agrees to participate (B2 plus 1). His packet is mailed
in Feb (E2 plus 1). His packet is received in Feb (F2 plus 1).

I'm not that great at language but will give it a shot if I need too.
I've been trying to do it with queries and the build expression box.
Also, Im still in the beginning phase so if any one thinks I should
change how my form is set up then thats fine.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!

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