Research task pane



In the Research task pane, in the box under search for, I need Encarta
Encyclopedia for my class that I'm taking. Why isn't it there?

Jay Freedman

At the bottom of the Research task pane, click the link for "Research
options". In that dialog, make sure one of the Encarta versions is
checked. Note that there are separate entries in the Reference Books
and Research Sites groups; you should probably check both.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


In a little bit of haste, I just posted a similar question in this group
under "Missing Encarta services in research pane."

In my case, Encarta items are not present under "Search options" so I cannot
add them to the research pane from there (I am using a non-US version of
Office 2003 and Win XP SP2).

I'd very much appreciate if you could write me the URLs for these two
services, Encarta Encyclopedia and Encarta Dictionary, so that I can add them
manually. The URL for the service will be displayed (most probably ending in
..asmx) if you click on the respective Encarta item in "Search options" and
then on "Properties." Thanks!

Jay Freedman

The entire set of services offered with Office is at You should get a list of
services, with a checkbox next to each one to select which ones to

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Thanks for the reply but no luck here. The list that comes up contains no
Encarta items. I have also read somewhere that this may be due to non-US
regional settings (in other words, it seems that Encarta is only offered as a
search service in the US market).

The same applies to some other services as well. However, I have been able
to add some service providers that were not offered in the list in my
language version of Office. The provider Thomson Gale, for example, can be
added manually by typing in the URL

I would assume that the Encarta search service (both Encyclopedia and
Dictionary) has such an URL that can be added, even if Encarta is not
automatically listed in "Search options." Any suggestions?

Jay Freedman

I would not generally assume that there must be such a URL. I suggest
you contact the local Microsoft office nearest to you (probably
through and
ask them.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

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