If you deleted the last number, you could try compacting the database. That
works in some versions of Access.
If the number you deleted is not the last one, you do not want Access
changing all the remaining numbers down. For example, if you delete client
53, you do not want Access changing client 54 to 53, and 55 to 54, and ...
As Pat explained, you need to think of autonumbers as providing a unique
number to identify a record, not providing a complete sequence of numbers.
Because Access is a multi-user program and assigns the number as soon as you
*start* to add a new number, that number will never be reassigned if you
abort the new record. The numbers will not be sequential.
If you want to reset the Seed of the AutoNumber, you can do so in code. In
fact, you can set it to a lower value where it will give you duplicates of
the records you already have, which messes up your database, i.e. you can no
longer add new records to your table.
For an example of how to loop through your tables and check that this
situation has not arisen, and fix the problem autonumbers by resetting the
Seed correctly, see:
Fixing AutoNumbers when Access assigns negatives or duplicates