reset indentation for a composite document?


Steve Hawkins

Having compiled a document from pasting in other documents of various
formats, how can one set a new overall indent, when 'select all' makes the
ruler disappear? Page set up, only seems to have margins, no indenting
options: where are they?

Advice much appreciated,


Margaret Aldis

If you really want a quick hack you can try using Format > Paragraph to set
indents on all selected text, but be warned that this is unlikely to be
fully successful if you have bulleted and numbered text, and will probably
end up making a lot more work if you carry on editing the document.

The best way to format consistently is to use Word styles. I recommend
Shauna Kelly's site to get you started here. See

Steve Hawkins

Thanks Margaret,

Who would have thought that something that looks like it should require only
a simple drag on the ruler, could be so difficult?!

I did try format > para, but it only moved half the document's indents, even
when the whole thing was highlighted. I could not see the reason for this -
even with the show button.

I have to admit, that, generally, I tend to just design docs as I go along
and have never seen any need to set up styles or even learn the point of any
of the alternative views other than print layout, which seem rather
superfluous. So perhaps I should try to make the time to read up (for which
I ought to say how lucky we are that Shauna and others have taken it on
themselves to provide such excellent 'how to' sites.)



Margaret Aldis

Hi Steve

If you care about document design and consistency (and you sound as if you
do) then do please read Shauna's site and start using Styles - I'll
guarantee you won't look back and will be kicking yourself for doing things
the hard way for so long :)

Steve Hawkins

Thanks Margaret,

I've always been meaning to - it's just that I don't read that fast and the
web is such a big place!



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