Reset Value


Anthony W

I have a command button that brings up a text box and in
the after update event I have the following code:-

Dim Grab_Dueendcopy, grab_num_weeks, calc_num_days
Grab_Dueendcopy = Me.DueEndCopy
grab_num_weeks = Me.Text146
calc_num_days = 7 * grab_num_weeks
Me.ISF_DUEEND = DateAdd("d", calc_num_days,

Would it be possible that when this has finished that I
can reset the value to "0" in the me.text146 field and
then set the visible property of the field to false.

How would I do this please and where should I put the code.

Thanks Everyone



I think this may work at the end of your current code:

Me.Text146 = 0
Me.Text146.Visible = False

Remember though that it will continue to be hidden even
the next time you open the form unless you use
Me.Text146.Visible = True in the form load or some other
event to make the field again visible.


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