See (FAQ 220)
Your frameset code is badly mangled (invalid html),
- must have an intial page to load in each frame
- all framesets are decalred before the <noframe> tag
and should be more like:
<html><head><title>Frameset Page</title></head>
<frameset rows="33,*">
<frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents" src="delivery_status_page.htm">
<frameset cols="150,*">
<frame name="contents" target="main" src="somepage1.asp">
<frameset cols="98,220,*">
<frame name="left1" scrolling="no" noresize target="rtop1" src="top.asp">
<frame name="left2" scrolling="no" noresize target="rtop2" src="middle.asp">
<frameset rows="23%,25%,*">
<frame name="rtop1" target="rtop2" src="somepage2.asp" scrolling="auto">
<frame name="rtop2" target="rtop3" src="somepage3.asp" scrolling="auto">
<frame name="rtop3" target="_self" src="somepage4.asp" scrolling="auto">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
| How do you simply link to a new frameset, below is my code, Thank you
| <frameset rows="33,*">
| <frame name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize target="contents"
| src="delivery_status_page.htm">
| <frameset cols="150">
| <noframes>
| <body><!--msnavigation--><table border="0" cellpadding="0"
| cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td>
| <p align="center"><font size="6"><strong></strong></font><br>
| </p>
| </td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table><!--msnavigation--><table border="0"
| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><!--msnavigation--><td
| valign="top">
| <
| <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.
| <!--msnavigation--></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table></body>
| </noframes>
| <frameset cols="98,220,*">
| <frame name="left1" scrolling="no" noresize target="rtop1"
| src="top.asp">
| <frame name="left2" scrolling="no" noresize target="rtop2"
| src="middle.asp">
| <frameset rows="23%,25%,*">
| <frame name="rtop1" target="rtop2" scrolling="auto">
| <frame name="rtop2" target="rtop3" scrolling="auto">
| <frame name="rtop3" scrolling="auto">
| </frameset>
| </frameset>
| </frameset>
| </frameset>
| "Jens Peter Karlsen [FP-MVP]" wrote:
| > Simply link to a new frameset with the wanted frames.
| > You can also use JavaScript to change two (or more) frames. However if
| > Javascript is disabled people can't use your site.
| >
| > Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.
| >
| > On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 07:50:03 -0700, "Iman"
| >
| > >I have a multi-framed page, is there a way to reset the content of the sub
| > >frames prior to displaying the new content?
| > >
| > >i.e.
| > >
| > >frame 1 shows a list of projects, frame 2 shows a list of milestones for the
| > >clicked project in frame 1, frame 3 shows the milestone dates for the clicked
| > >milestone in frame 2.
| > >
| > >I need frame two to show the miles stones for another project clicked in
| > >frame one, while resting frame 3 to a blank screen until frame 2's milestone
| > >is clicked.
| > >
| > >I hope I did not confuse, without reseting frame 3, users mistakingly use
| > >the wrong milestone data.
| > >
| > >Thank you
| >
| >