Resetting Document Styles....



I have a long document that I want to start over as far as formatting.
Is there a way I can reset the formatting of it (i.e. remove all custom
formating styles and revert to Microsoft defaults).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If the styles have not been changed (all the formatting has been applied as
direct formatting), Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+Spacebar will do it. From your
description, though, it sounds as if custom styles are involved. You can
delete these styles, but (unless you have Word 2007, which I believe allows
you to choose which style you want substituted), the paragraphs will revert
to Normal. If you're going to get Normal, anyway, you might as well Ctrl+A,

Wwhat I prefer to do, regardless of what sort of dog's breakfast I'm dealing
with, is strip out *all* formatting by applying the style I will be using
most (usually Body Text or Body Text First Indent), then pasting the text
into a new document based on *my* template.

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