Resetting Junk E-Mail flag in Outlook 2000

  • Thread starter Jay Hollingsworth
  • Start date

Jay Hollingsworth

I've been trying to do something about the spam in my wife's WinME Outlook
2000 SR1. I set up rules and edited the FILTERS.TXT as instructed.

In the course of doing that I made things too restrictive at first and have
begun adding things into the Exceptions list. This all works great.
Unfortunately, some important emails are already tagged with the Junk E-Mail
flag by my initial efforts.

How can I reset the junk flag to off on those mails which aren't truly junk?

Brian Tillman

Jay Hollingsworth said:
I've been trying to do something about the spam in my wife's WinME
Outlook 2000 SR1. I set up rules and edited the FILTERS.TXT as

FILTERS.TXT doesn't do anything. If you read that file, you'll see that it
says it's for informational purposes only, describing what strings the junk
filter recognizes. You cannot change the OL 2000 (or, in fact, any version)
junk mail filter.

You're better off with a tool like

John Phillips

I've been trying to do something about the spam in my wife's WinME Outlook
2000 SR1. I set up rules and edited the FILTERS.TXT as instructed.

IMO best junk filter, free as well is K9

Running here (using Bat! at home) with 98.79% accuracy, and no false

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