Michael Dick
I have Word 2000 and am working on a document with
numbered questions and even sub questions (a, b, c). Now
usually when I click on a numbered question and tell it to
start renumbering, it does so starting over with 1, 2, 3
etc. But fairly often I shall click on the numbering-
bullets format window and the START OVER will be grayed
out, so I can't get it to go back to one. Sometimes I can
fool it by picking a successfull example and copy format
at paste format over it and try again. But at other times
nothing seems to "ungray" that radio button so I can get
it to start at 1 insdtead of say at 4. I have even tried
to turn off numbering at that point and then start over
again with number, and it will still start with say a 4.
What is going on?
numbered questions and even sub questions (a, b, c). Now
usually when I click on a numbered question and tell it to
start renumbering, it does so starting over with 1, 2, 3
etc. But fairly often I shall click on the numbering-
bullets format window and the START OVER will be grayed
out, so I can't get it to go back to one. Sometimes I can
fool it by picking a successfull example and copy format
at paste format over it and try again. But at other times
nothing seems to "ungray" that radio button so I can get
it to start at 1 insdtead of say at 4. I have even tried
to turn off numbering at that point and then start over
again with number, and it will still start with say a 4.
What is going on?