I've written some code that automatically generates about 30 small graphs.
Periodically these have to be deleted and regenerated. This could happen as
many as 20 times a day. I've noticed that each new chart is assigned a number
which increments by 1 but it does not reset when I close Excel. Although it
does not affect the program, I'm concerned that within a year the count may
grow to a ridiculously large number. Is there any way I can reset the count
back to zero when i close the program.
Thank you
I've written some code that automatically generates about 30 small graphs.
Periodically these have to be deleted and regenerated. This could happen as
many as 20 times a day. I've noticed that each new chart is assigned a number
which increments by 1 but it does not reset when I close Excel. Although it
does not affect the program, I'm concerned that within a year the count may
grow to a ridiculously large number. Is there any way I can reset the count
back to zero when i close the program.
Thank you