Resize columns w/o disturbing others



I've searched for a post regarding the problem I'm having
with my first Word2002 table but didn't find one; please
forgive if I missed one.
How do I resize 5 of 8 columns without the remaining 3
columns automatically being resized (they get wider)?
I've tried setting the column widths in the Columns dialog
both individually and as a group; tried shift-drag; just
drag. I get one set of columns the way I want it; format
the others, and the first group is skewed; and vice versa.
Haven't encountered this problem with a table of anykind
before and it is preventing getting my table the way I
Many thanks if you have a solution.


Check your table properties to see if it is set to a specific size. I
it is, when you resize columns, others will automatically resize t
fill the table. Un-check the "preferred width" option and try i
again. Also, floating the table helps -- this is under the text wra

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