Resize CurrentRegion by 2 rows at the bottom



Simply want to select the CurrentRegion, excluding the first two title rows,
including whatever number of columns there are.

Have tried a few dozen syntaxes, here's the latest that doesn't work...

Selection.Offset(2, 0).Select
Selection.Resize(Rows - 2,).Select

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
- Mike

Gary''s Student

This will extend CurrentRange down by two rows:

Sub dural()
s = Split(ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address, "$")
s(UBound(s)) = s(UBound(s)) + 2
Range(Join(s, "$")).Select
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

Does this line of code do what you want?


Rick Rothstein

Sorry, I used the active selection instead of A1 that your code indicated
you wanted to use. Simply replace Selection with your "starter" cell...


Ron Rosenfeld

Simply want to select the CurrentRegion, excluding the first two title rows,
including whatever number of columns there are.

Have tried a few dozen syntaxes, here's the latest that doesn't work...

Selection.Offset(2, 0).Select
Selection.Resize(Rows - 2,).Select

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
- Mike

Here's an example with some debug.print commands so you can see what's going

If the initial region is $A$1:$C$7, after running this Sub you should see

Option Explicit
Sub RemoveTitles()
Dim c As Range
Set c = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Debug.Print c.Address
Set c = c.Resize(c.Rows.Count - 2).Offset(2)
Debug.Print c.Address
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

I see from your posting that I misinterpreted what the OP was looking for.
As you may remember from other postings of mine, I have this "thing" for
one-liners; so, while not a practical solution to the OP's question (I would
do it the way you posted), I thought those reading this thread might find
this one-liner of interest anyway...

Range("A3:" & Split(Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address, ":")(1)).Select

It selects the same range your code would (if you had specified Select
instead of Address on your last line of code). HOWEVER, the code requires
that at least one line of data exists (or else the 2nd header row would be

Ron Rosenfeld

I see from your posting that I misinterpreted what the OP was looking for.
As you may remember from other postings of mine, I have this "thing" for
one-liners; so, while not a practical solution to the OP's question (I would
do it the way you posted), I thought those reading this thread might find
this one-liner of interest anyway...

Range("A3:" & Split(Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address, ":")(1)).Select

It selects the same range your code would (if you had specified Select
instead of Address on your last line of code). HOWEVER, the code requires
that at least one line of data exists (or else the 2nd header row would be

What I noted about your previous posting was that it only moved the current
region down two rows, but didn't resize it.

You can combine my two lines into one (obviously excluding the debug.print
lines), but I chose not too to make it easier for the OP to follow the logic.

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