Resize Images of a Specific Style Only



I have a macro that resizes all images in a Word document to 75% of
their original size. I would like to make it so that the macro only
resizes images that have a certain style applied, such as
images_steps. How would I do that?

Here's the image macro for resizing.

Sub ImageShrink()
Dim PecentSize As Integer
Dim oIshp As InlineShape
Dim oshp As Shape

PercentSize = InputBox("Enter percent of full size", "Resize
Picture", 75)

For Each oIshp In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
With oIshp
.ScaleHeight = PercentSize
.ScaleWidth = PercentSize
End With
Next oIshp

For Each oshp In ActiveDocument.Shapes
With oshp
.ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
.ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
End With
Next oshp
End Sub

Lene Fredborg

You can insert style checks around the code that iterates through the inline
shapes and shapes like this:

Inline shapes – check the style of the paragraph in which the inline shape
is found:

With oIshp
If oIshp.Range.Style = "images_steps" Then
.ScaleHeight = PercentSize
.ScaleWidth = PercentSize
End If
End With

Shapes – check the style of the paragraph to which the shape is anchored (if
that is actually what you want):

With oshp
If oshp.Anchor.Paragraphs(1).Range.Style = "images_steps" Then
.ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
.ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
End If
End With

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Hi Tom,

Like this:
Sub ReformatPics()
Dim PercentSize As Integer
Dim MyStyle As String
Dim oIshp As InlineShape
Dim oshp As Shape
PercentSize = InputBox("Enter percent of full size", "ResizePicture ", 75)
MyStyle = "images_steps"
With ActiveDocument
For Each oIshp In .InlineShapes
With oIshp
If .Range.Paragraphs(1).Style = MyStyle Then
.ScaleHeight = PercentSize
.ScaleWidth = PercentSize
End If
End With
Next oIshp
For Each oshp In .Shapes
With oshp
If .Anchor.Paragraphs(1).Style = MyStyle Then
.ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
.ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _
End If
End With
Next oshp
End With
End Sub

Note: You had a typo in 'Dim PercentSize'.

Helmut Weber

Hi Tom,

like that:

Sub Test10()
Dim oInl As InlineShape
Dim oShp As Shape
For Each oInl In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
If oInl.Range.Style = "Normal" Then
MsgBox "Inlineshape: Normal"
End If
For Each oShp In ActiveDocument.shapes
If oShp.Anchor.Style = "Body Text" Then
MsgBox "Shape: Body Text"
End If
End Sub

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Vista Small Business, Office XP


Thanks so much for all your responses. They all probably do the same
thing, but I used the one Macropod wrote because it worked on the
first try for me.

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