Resize the plotarea of OWC.Chart


J Kruger

I want to know how to resize the plotarea (inside part of a graph
where all the bars/lines are) in asp or vbscript.
I tried the same code that excel use, which is:
objChart.PlotArea.Width = 50 , but it does not work in asp/vbscript.

my code begins:
set objCSpace = server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
set objChart = objCSpace.Charts.Add()
objChart.Type = 5
With objCSpace.Charts(0).Axes(myAx)
.HasTickLabels = true
.Scaling.Maximum = 5
.Scaling.Minimum = 0
.MajorUnit = 1
End With

this will work:
objChart.PlotArea.Interior.Color = "red"

but not this:
objChart.PlotArea.Width = 50
objChart.PlotArea.Left = 50

I export the files with:
sFullFileName = Server.MapPath(".") & "\Graph1.gif"
objCSpace.ExportPicture sFullFileName, "gif", 560, 50

I used office XP and 2003 to test, both asp and client-side vbscript.
Help appreciated.

Thao Moua [ms]

You must turn on custom layout if you wish to resize/reposition chart
elements. Do a search for 'custom layout' in the OWC help file for more info.

Thao Moua
OWC Chartspace Support

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