resizing animated gifs



I tried almost everything, but it just won't work. I need to make banners,
tried it in frontpage and it's components, uses Xara webstyle etc.
I do like Xara, but unfortunaly it does not let me make the sizes I want, it
keeps the proportions.
Than I made it in Xara and tried resizing with other programs, but that just
makes my banner look awfull.
How do you guys (and dames) resize gifs, without losing it's quality? I am
talking about animated ones.

Thanx in advance!


Mark Fitzpatrick

Unfortunately I would tend to do this frame by frame, not so much
re-sizing, but changing my canvas or document size, then going and re-doing
the frames to match. When re-doing the frames I'll have to tweak the
individual items as simply re-sizing doesn't necessarily work (item 1 may
look good re-sized the same as everything else, but item 2 may not and I'll
need to find somehting more appropriate).

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Andrew Murray

probably you'd have to get a program you can break down the image frame by frame
and resize them individually then re-constitute them into the animation.

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