resizing detail height on event Detail_Format



I'm having a trouble resizing the detail height using this code on

If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Or IsEmpty(Me.ImagePath) Or Me.ImagePath = "" Then
Me.Detail.Height = 0.4063 * 1440
Me.Image15.Visible = False
Me.Image15.Height = 0.2813 * 1440
Me.Detail.Height = 1.3958 * 1440
Me.Image15.Visible = True
Me.Image15.Picture = Nz(Me.ImagePath, "")
Me.Image15.Height = 1 * 1440
End If

Even when a image is not displayed, the formated detail height is greater
than 0.4063 * 1440.
Can somebody tell me why this isn't working? There are no other controls
that would prevent
Detail.Height from shrinking to 0.4063 * 1440.

Marshall Barton

jryder said:
I'm having a trouble resizing the detail height using this code on

If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Or IsEmpty(Me.ImagePath) Or Me.ImagePath = "" Then
Me.Detail.Height = 0.4063 * 1440
Me.Image15.Visible = False
Me.Image15.Height = 0.2813 * 1440
Me.Detail.Height = 1.3958 * 1440
Me.Image15.Visible = True
Me.Image15.Picture = Nz(Me.ImagePath, "")
Me.Image15.Height = 1 * 1440
End If

Even when a image is not displayed, the formated detail height is greater
than 0.4063 * 1440.
Can somebody tell me why this isn't working? There are no other controls
that would prevent
Detail.Height from shrinking to 0.4063 * 1440.

I am not familiar with the idiosyncracies of the image
control, but with other controls, the section can not be
made smaller than required to display all controls (even if
currently invisible). Try setting the control's Top
property to 0 when you make it invisible.

Stephen Lebans

I always address the Detail section object like:


Stephen Lebans
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