Hey all,
I'm having clarity problems in presenting Excel graphs through th
portlet in our Webportel system. The images quality is bad, where th
figures on the x and y sxis are unreadable. The portal itself i
restricted to 370
pixels(Max) in width. I have a macro button in excel that sends th
images to a server, which are then been pulled down by the portal tha
are then been displayed out. I added a expansion window on clicking o
the graph but would prefere to be able to see them more clearly whe
just sitting normally in the portlet. It's been driving me up the wal
the last few days tryin different sizes of graphs to export. Do yo
have any suggestions? I'm not sure should i be fiddleing with th
graphs been exported from excel size or what. Thanks for your help i
advance. Oh and I'm using a jsp for the portlet window
I'm having clarity problems in presenting Excel graphs through th
portlet in our Webportel system. The images quality is bad, where th
figures on the x and y sxis are unreadable. The portal itself i
restricted to 370
pixels(Max) in width. I have a macro button in excel that sends th
images to a server, which are then been pulled down by the portal tha
are then been displayed out. I added a expansion window on clicking o
the graph but would prefere to be able to see them more clearly whe
just sitting normally in the portlet. It's been driving me up the wal
the last few days tryin different sizes of graphs to export. Do yo
have any suggestions? I'm not sure should i be fiddleing with th
graphs been exported from excel size or what. Thanks for your help i
advance. Oh and I'm using a jsp for the portlet window