Resizing multiple graphics in word at once



HI ppl out there:

i have about 100 images on a word file that are big, i would like to resize
them to look like icons 1 inch x 1 inch, can i resize them at once instead of
dragging the corner handles 1 by one?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U2F5YmlsbA==?=,
i have about 100 images on a word file that are big, i would like to resize
them to look like icons 1 inch x 1 inch, can i resize them at once instead of
dragging the corner handles 1 by one?
You can select all the graphics on a single page by clicking the white arrow in
the DRAWING toolbar, then dragging a box (from top left of page to bottom right)
to select them all. Now drag the corner of one, and all should resize (or use
the Format dialog box).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hi Saybill,

Record any macro, say record clicking the B-button on the Standard toolbar,
and be sure to choose the document under 'Store macro in'.
Choose Tools | Macro > Macro's..., select your macro and choose Edit. The
VBA-editor opens.
Replace the entire macro by the following:

Sub ResizePics()
Dim aShape As Shape, aIShape As InlineShape

For Each aShape In ActiveDocument.Shapes
aShape.Height = InchesToPoints(1)
aShape.Width = InchesToPoints(1)
Next aShape
For Each aIShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
aIShape.Height = InchesToPoints(1)
aIShape.Width = InchesToPoints(1)
Next aIShape

End Sub

Click the Save button in the VBA editor to save the document. Close the VBA
Choose Tools | Macro > Macros... Select ResizePics and click Run.
All pictures in the document will be 1 x 1 inch.

Good luck,

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