Resizing Pivot Charts and pasting into Word documents




I would like to paste 3 Pivot charts (created in Excel)
into Word. These charts have to be displayed side-by-
side, i.e., in a row. However, when I paste the charts,
they appear to be bigger than I wanted them to appear -
the only way I can (currently) display them in a word
document is in a column (one under the other).

May I please ask for your kind help - is it possible to
resize these charts before after pasting, and have control
over how they appear in a Word document?

Thank you

Jon Peltier

Hi Stan -

Embed the charts in a worksheet: right click the chart, select Location
from the pop up menu, and select a sheet from the drop down list next to
"As Object In". Put the three charts side by side and resize them as
much as you need. If you hold down the Alt key while moving and
resizing the charts, their edges will align with cell boundaries.

I have some hints on copying and pasting charts from Excel into other
applications on my web site; it's mostly PowerPoint, but the hints work
well with Word as well.

- Jon


Embed the charts in a worksheet: right click the chart,
select Location
from the pop up menu, and select a sheet from the drop down list next to
"As Object In". Put the three charts side by side and resize them as
much as you need. If you hold down the Alt key while moving and
resizing the charts, their edges will align with cell

Thank you very much for your reply.

I try embedding the Pivot chart in a worksheet, and then
resizing, copying and pasting it into Word. It works
(thanks!!), but there are several problems:

- the area taken up by the actual surface I am plotting is
now about 1/8th of the area of the chart. The rest is
taken up with field names, the legend, chart title, and
blank space. Is it possible to avoid this unfortunate

- on top of the chart, there are words "Drop page fields
here" this text does not disappear when I paste the chart
into Word. Is it possible to get rid of this - it looks
very unprofessional...

- Is it possible to control the location of the legend and
the pivot table field titles (with the downward pointing
arrow beside them)? One of them is even overlapping the
other text on the chart...

Thank you!

Jon Peltier

Stan -

You've hit on three of the reasons I don't care much for pivot charts.
It's a really slick idea that hasn't really been implemented the way I'd
have liked.

So what's a poor boy to do? Make regular charts, over which you have
much greater control.

Select a cell which isn't part of a pivot table, and start the chart
wizard. In step 1, choose a chart type. In step 2, click on the series
tab, then press the Add button. Select the worksheet ranges containing
the series Name, Y Values, and X Values (or Category Labels). Press Add
again for additional series. Finish the wizard the regular way,
choosing 'As Object In' and the appropriate worksheet for Location in
step 4.

- Jon


Hello John

Thanks for your reply!

I am sorry, I had still encountered problems - may I ask
another question, please?
So what's a poor boy to do? Make regular charts, over which you have
much greater control.

Suppose I have the following:

x y z
1 2 3
2 3 4
5 6 7

I would like to plot a Surface - here, z describes the
height for a particular point (x,y).
Select a cell which isn't part of a pivot table, and start the chart

I create a pivot table with the data above. In cells
B4:D4, I have numbers 1, 2, 5. In cells A5:A7, I have
numbers 2, 3, 6.

In step 1, choose a chart type. In step 2, click on the series
tab, then press the Add button. Select the worksheet ranges containing
the series Name, Y Values, and X Values (or Category

No matter what combinations I try, I get nonsense... what
should I enter at this stage, for this example?

I appreciate your kind help, John


Jon Peltier

Stan -

Yeah, surface charts aren't the most powerful in Excel's arsenal. You
need one factor in rows and the other in columns, then you need a Z
value for each cell in the grid, like this:

a b c d
A 1 2 3 3
B 2 2 3 4
C 2 3 4 4
D 3 4 4 5

If your list of x-y-z values has all the M x N data you need, great.
Otherwise, you have blanks in the pivot table, which plot as spikes down
to the floor of the chart. I just checked, and Tools > Options > Chart
Plot Blanks As ... Interpolate doesn't seem to help.

- Jon

Jon Peltier

Glad to help.

- Jon

Thank you!!

I didn't know how "Surface plots" work, and now I do!

arsenal. You

you need a Z

need, great.

as spikes down

Options > Chart

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