Resolution problem when inserting Corel Designer graphics as onjec

  • Thread starter Rob van der Heijden
  • Start date

Rob van der Heijden

Dear all,

for many graphics in my PhD thesis, I use Corel Designer 10. I would like to
insert the figures as object (from file) in my Word-file, but have some
problems with the resolution. Is there any way to enhance this in Word, e.g.
with object import settings, or should I change something in Designer?

Rob van der Heijden.


Bit of both, but mostly you need to do the work at the Designer end. Avoid
doing *any* manipulation of your graphic whatsoever in Word. Create the
graphic in Designer to the size and resolution you want to end up, then
export to a file. Import the graphic to Word using Insert > Picture > From
File. Experiment with file formats: different types work better for
different types of graphic. Above all, never cut and paste directly from
Designer into Word.

Make sure you keep the original files that you imported. If your document
becomes corrupt (and graphic-heavy documents are a bit prone to this),
recovery is much simpler if you can re-import the originals.

In Word, you can specify the default graphic resolution via Tools > Options
General > Web Options > Pictures.

Rob van der Heijden

Hello Jezebel,

thanks for the quick answer, but it does not completely answer my question.
I usually export the drawings as Tiff (at 300 dpi) from Designer and insert
these files in Word. For smaller size of the Word file and better resolution
in the conversion to pdf, I would like to insert the Designer files directly
as object into Word. This works, but resolution is lost. Maximization of the
default picture size in the way that you suggest did not solve this problem.

Any other suggestions?



Suggestion 1: do not insert the objects directly into Word.

Suggestion 2: don't use tiffs. Try gifs (if you don't need full colour), or
jpgs (if you do).

Suggestion 3: see suggestion 1.

Rob van der Heijden

Thanks for your suggestions, in particular suggestion 3 ;). I've been playing
around with some file formats and will indeed stop using Tiff or direct
import into Word.

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