Resource Allocation by day by day.



I am using MS project 2003, I have scheduled one project it starts at
30/11/06 and ends at 28/12/06 .Totally i have 7 resources. In a task i used
one resource for the first day. the next day an another task is allocated the
same resource and the third day i want to allocate 2 resources. by this step
by step i want to allocate the resources for my convienent. Tell me by what
method i can allocate the resource by day by day. Is there any tool for to
allocate. Dont tell that to edit the work hrs in the task usage view by day
by day.. I hope please help in this question.
Thanks in Advance.


Hi Karthick,

The only two options I can come up with is:

1) The option you don't want to hear -- edit work in the task usage

2) Split the task into several tasks linked F to S driven by the
resource assignments you wish to use. For example, the first task start
on 30 Nov 06 with a 2 day duration assigned to Resource A. The second
task is assigned to both Resource A and Resource B and is linked F to S
to the first task.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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Steve House

A "task" is generally considered a single, discrete package of work
resulting in a single deliverable done by a single resource (resource in
this sense meaning a single package of skills that always works as a unit -
it might be a single person or it might be a resource team, the key concept
is that it is an indivisible package). If you're painting a room and Joe
does the east wall on Monday, Bill does the west wall on Tuesday, etc, it's
not 1 task with 4 resources spelling each other off on it. It's far better
to track each wall as a separate task with the resources that does each wall
as a discrete entity from start to finish assigned to it. Break your task
list down like this and your resource assignment headaches will largely

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