Resource Allocation



Morning All,

How can I represent a resource across 5 weeks that only works 5 hrs on tasks
during the period?

Can I specify a the duration / and the hours separately? At present my plan
assumes the resource is working fulltime on these.

Any comment / guidance would be appreciated

Have a good day,

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Verossa,

In the Table Entry, insert the column Work :
Insert / Column.... / Work
In front of your 5 week task, enter 5hr ins this Work field
Select this task, click the Assign Resource button (small figurines)
Select the resource and click Assign.
MS Project will calculate an assignment of 3%.

Gérard Ducouret


Hi Gerard,

Thanks for responding... What will the 3% correspond to? Assuming we are
basing this on the same calendar would it be 3% of 1 resource over the 5

Thanks again, Vers


3% reprersent the hours worked for this task based on the
calendar you have for this resource. For example, lets
assume this person at 100% utilization works 8 hours a day
5 days a week. So during the 5 weeks, at 100%
utilization, this person would work 200 hours. 3%
represents the 5 hours of that 200 hours. you could
change this if you told project that this resource only
works 1 hour a week and that is 100% utilization. You
will have to change the calander for that.


Hi Joe,

Thanks for clarifying that... I understand now.

Joe..I have posted again regarding Resource Allocation - Theory... would you
have any ideas on how I should approach this?

I would appreciate the input of experts.

Tia - Vers

3% reprersent the hours worked for this task based on the
calendar you have for this resource. For example, lets
assume this person at 100% utilization works 8 hours a day
5 days a week. So during the 5 weeks, at 100%
utilization, this person would work 200 hours. 3%
represents the 5 hours of that 200 hours. you could
change this if you told project that this resource only
works 1 hour a week and that is 100% utilization. You
will have to change the calander for that.

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