Resource allocation


Ashley McKown

hello again.
My project is doing great thanks to you guys. A few questions, infact i
asked this question before but the problem keeps on reoccurring. In Resource
usage view it shows in one hour the resource is working for two hours, and in
the resource summary line it shows in red which means it is overallocated, is
it not possible for Project to solve these overallocation by itself, it
should. Another thing it is doing is lets say there are two tasks of one
hour each for a particular reource, what it is doing sometimes is in one hour
giving half an hour to one task and another half an hour to the other task
the total time is the same to comeplete both tasks two hours but desired is
for it to do one task at a time.

One more thing is there a possibility to combine the two views of resource
usage and gannt chart. Meaning that the grouping and the information on the
left side of the view be resource usage but the graphical right side be in
gannt chart, my boss wants to see it in that format. It is easier this way
to see what resource is free at what time, rather than in resource usage
format where you have to scroll down to see whether or not the reource is
busy at that time or not.

thanking you all in advance.
mvp rocks



Hi Ashley
In Resource usage view it shows in one hour the resource is working for two
hours, and in
the resource summary line it shows in red which means it is overallocated,
it not possible for Project to solve these overallocation by itself, it

if you use Tools / Level Resources (or Tools / Resource Levelling) depending
on your version Project will (generally) level to fix these
"overallocations". Project will not change anything unless you ask it to.
Always save before you level and to see what Project has changed use the
Levelling Gantt view.
Another thing it is doing is lets say there are two tasks of one
hour each for a particular reource, what it is doing sometimes is in one
giving half an hour to one task and another half an hour to the other task
the total time is the same to comeplete both tasks two hours but desired
for it to do one task at a time.

This is not the default behaviour of project and only happens (in my
experience) where the resource assignment is changed to 50% on both tasks
from 100%. Is this a possible cause of the situation. If so, then rather
than changing the units, use levelling to "move" one of the tasks.
One more thing is there a possibility to combine the two views of resource
usage and gannt chart.

As far as i know this is not possible. Someone else may have a better
answer for you. I find printing the Who Does What When report makes
Resource's availability easier to see (view / reports / assignment - who
does what when).

Hope this helps

Ashley McKown

hi i just wanted to add one more thing that i use a resource pool if that
changes anything.

thank you


Hi Ashley

by "resource pool" do you mean a project file consisting of just resources
that are shared among different project files? are you levelling across
these project files?

how do any of my initial suggestions / comments work for you?


Ashley McKown

Yes I am levelling across the project files. As far as your suggestion goes
I tried levelling on hour to hour basis and it is still the same case,
although my project is still broken down in half an hour increments. As far
as the resources are concerned they are all assigned 100%. no less so I dont
know why it doing that.

thanks for your help so far



Hi Ashley

you need to level based on a minute by minute basis to deal with allocations
of less than 1 hour.

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