Resource allocation



Hello, I have a question relating to resource allocation:

say that I've defined a one-person team for installing a pc and its
supporting peripherals and it takes him/her 'X' number of hours to finish
this task.
Now, if a second and/or third person of comparable skill and effort is
available for the install, is there a way to input "2 x one-person team" or
"3 x one-person team" and get updated results (available resource hours,
task duration, etc.) for a 2-person or a 3-person install schedule by
manipulating the gannt chart or via a macro? Or would I have to define the
work of a 2-person and 3-person team and then change the resource(s)
allocated for the relevant task?

Thanks for any help.


Hi jgv2004,

If you create the second or third person as a separate resource and assign
them to an effort driven fixed unit task, the amount of work calculated for
the task on the assignment of the first resource (X hours) stays the same.
However, the duration of the task decreases because now there are two
resources performing the X hours of work. This is the default behavior in

No macros nor manipulation of the Gantt chart is required. The Gantt chart
will update automatically with the change in duration. To see the details
on the resource's work on the task, you could split the screen (Window >
Split) and view the Task Form at the bottom. This will show you the work
for each resource as well as unit assignment. You may also disable
effort-driven and change task type in the Task Form.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.



Julie, thank you for answering my question.

I also wanted to know to know if it is possible to automate this function
(hence my mention of macros) after creating the separate resources?
My manager insists that he's seen an instance where a scheduler inputs "2 x
(resource name)" and gets an updated schedule. I'm thinking the scheduler
probably defined the additional resources and simply used initials as a
shortcut in the resource field.


Hi jgv2004,

You are welcome and thanks for the feedback. I'm afraid macros (VBA) are
not my strong suit, so I cannot directly answer that question.

As to your managers comment, you can create resources with a maximum unit
above 100%. For example, if you had 3 engineers you could define the
resource's maximum units at 300%.

Then by increasing the assignment units from 100% to 200% you are assigning
an additional engineer and would see the change in task duration similar to
assigning an additional named resource.

The downside to maximum units above 100% is that all of the resources then
share the same standard and overtime rates as well as the same base
calendar. If one of the 3 engineers was on holidays for a week in December,
you can't just mark the week as non-working time in the resources' calendar,
or that would place all 3 engineers on holiday that week.

In Project 2002 and 2003 (and possibly 2000, but I don't recall) , it is
possible to contour a resource's availability over time but it is a bit more

Hope this helps.


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