johnny hadley
We had two users who could not view resource availability in project
web access. It would give them an ocx error and crash IE.
after consulting with microsoft this is the solution that corrected the
issue.... Enjoy
Before applying the following instructions please take the backup of
the project database.
--This first part tells you if the "period from" or the "period to"
fields are
--On a clean database, you should see all the number in the positive
Please run the following scripts against project database in SQL Query
Analyzer to remove he negative range of values from the database.
select wres_guid, substring(wset_value, 134, 23) as PeriodFrom from
msp_web_resource_settings where wsec_page_id = 401
select wres_guid, substring(wset_value, 185, 23) as PeriodTo from
msp_web_resource_settings where wsec_page_id = 401
--This second part is what actually corrects the issue based on the
results from
The above scripts.
--You just have to make sure you apply the correct "wres_guid" with the
issue from
the above script, in the script below in the where statement.
update msp_web_resource_settings
set wset_value = '<dataspace id="401" storage="database"> <scope
name="commoncontrols"> <property name="TimeScale">1</property>
name="PeriodFrom">506527744</property> <property
name="PeriodTo">506920960</property> <property
name="ShowProposedBookings">0</property></scope> <scope name="page">
name="ViewId">1</property> </scope> </dataspace>'
where wres_guid = '<Valid wres_guid>' and wsec_page_id = 401
Since the issue is with two users you need to run the second script
twice for Different wres_guid.
web access. It would give them an ocx error and crash IE.
after consulting with microsoft this is the solution that corrected the
issue.... Enjoy
Before applying the following instructions please take the backup of
the project database.
--This first part tells you if the "period from" or the "period to"
fields are
--On a clean database, you should see all the number in the positive
Please run the following scripts against project database in SQL Query
Analyzer to remove he negative range of values from the database.
select wres_guid, substring(wset_value, 134, 23) as PeriodFrom from
msp_web_resource_settings where wsec_page_id = 401
select wres_guid, substring(wset_value, 185, 23) as PeriodTo from
msp_web_resource_settings where wsec_page_id = 401
--This second part is what actually corrects the issue based on the
results from
The above scripts.
--You just have to make sure you apply the correct "wres_guid" with the
issue from
the above script, in the script below in the where statement.
update msp_web_resource_settings
set wset_value = '<dataspace id="401" storage="database"> <scope
name="commoncontrols"> <property name="TimeScale">1</property>
name="PeriodFrom">506527744</property> <property
name="PeriodTo">506920960</property> <property
name="ShowProposedBookings">0</property></scope> <scope name="page">
name="ViewId">1</property> </scope> </dataspace>'
where wres_guid = '<Valid wres_guid>' and wsec_page_id = 401
Since the issue is with two users you need to run the second script
twice for Different wres_guid.