Resource Availability - My Timesheet


Shawn Everingham

Ok...we are getting into some heavy resource leveling around our IT shop.

The question...when I am in resource center, I select a team of resources. I
then click on Resource Availability, giving me a nice graph with capacity
benchmark etc...
Why do some/all of my resources have oodles of My Timesheet "projects"
listed with all of the projects???

How do I get rid of them or keep them from showing...? My Timesheet is NOT a
project and has NO tasks with Zero estimations...why is it affecting my
resource availability????


Dale Howard [MVP]

Shawn --

Is your company actually using the My Timesheet functionality in Project
Server 2007? If so, that is why you see the My Timesheets items in the View
Availability page. I know of no way to make those lines go away. If you
want to level resource overallocations, you need to do that in Project
Professional 2007 by opening each project in which you want to level
overallocated resources. Before you level, and when you lauch Project
Professional 2007, I recommend you deselect the "Load summary resource
assignments" option in the Login dialog, as this will remove the My
Timesheets information in the Resource Usage view, which is where you should
level your resource overallocations. Hope this helps.

Shawn Everingham


thank you for your expedient response. Yes...we will be leveling resources
project by project via Project 2007.

and Yes, we are utilizing the Timesheet just seems
idiotic to include it as a project/assignment/task when reviewing resource
allocations. Yet, another frustrating oversight on MS's part...

don't mean to whine...I appreciate your definitive response.

Technology, like art, is a soaring stretch of our imagination...Daniel Bell.
MSPS 2007
MS Server 2003

Dale Howard said:
Shawn --

Is your company actually using the My Timesheet functionality in Project
Server 2007? If so, that is why you see the My Timesheets items in the View
Availability page. I know of no way to make those lines go away. If you
want to level resource overallocations, you need to do that in Project
Professional 2007 by opening each project in which you want to level
overallocated resources. Before you level, and when you lauch Project
Professional 2007, I recommend you deselect the "Load summary resource
assignments" option in the Login dialog, as this will remove the My
Timesheets information in the Resource Usage view, which is where you should
level your resource overallocations. Hope this helps.

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