Resource Availability Showing Up Blank


Geoff Vernon

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to provide some data to my resource planner about total
allocations of resources in the pool - (Allocations being a calculation of
Work/Availability and expressed as a percentage).

In the Portfolio Analyser for resources, I am getting blank cells in the
Availability column against all resources for the year 2006. In the year
2005, I am getting partial data which, on drilling down, represents the
period 1st January 2005 to 8th April 2005.

However, it seems that from the 9th April 2005 onwards, there is no
Availability data, even though the resources are booked on projects right
through 2005 and into 2006.

I have rebuilt the OLAP cube and it is current.

Could I be right in assuming that the Availability field in the database has
not been populated since 8th April last year? (I don't have access to the
database) And if so, what could have caused this?

If I'm not right in my assumption, does anyone have any clues that might put
us on the right track to resolving the missing Availability data?

All help greatly appreciated.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Geoff --

If you navigate to Admin - Manage Enterprise Features in PWA, what do you
see for the date ranges in the Date Range and Date Range for Resource
Availability sections of the page? These settings determine what you see in
Portfolio Analyzer views and in the Resource Availability section of the
Resource Center page. Let us know.

Geoff Vernon

Hi Dale,

In the Date Range section, "Use the earliest project start date and the
latest project finish date" is selected.

In the Date Range for Resource Availability section, "The next 12 months"
and "The past 12 months" are selected.


Geoff Vernon


I don't have access to the Event log but will make some enquiries with my
tech support guys and let you know.


Geoff Vernon

Hi Dale,

It's taken some time but I've conquered the problem.
My tech support guys took too long to look into the event log, so I started
playing with the date ranges.

I changed the Date Range fields to "The next 12 months" and "The past 12
months" instead of "Use the earliest project start date and the latest
project finish date". I left the Date Range for Resource Availability
section as "The next 12 months" and "The past 12 months". I then rebuilt the
OLAP cube.

Hey Presto!! Availability data appears for all resources!!

And, after waiting 24 hours and having the cube rebuild again at a set time,
the data is still there!!

Go figure....


Dale Howard [MVP]

Geoff --

Thanks for your persistance, and thanks for sharing the solution to your
problem. Believe me, sometimes the answers to the questions in this forum
are an absolutely puzzler to determine "from a distance." :)

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