Does anyone know how to get Resource Availability updated on the PWA?
I have tried the update through MANAGE ENTERPRISE FEATURES in ADMIN but
it doesn't seem to work as far as AVAILABLE FROM and AVAILABLE TO in
the Resource area. We don't have a OLAP CUBE yet but it says that you
can just update the Resource Availability.
Can't seem to get it to work. We are running MS Project Server ERP and
MS Project Pro on our desktops, both are 2003.
I have tried the update through MANAGE ENTERPRISE FEATURES in ADMIN but
it doesn't seem to work as far as AVAILABLE FROM and AVAILABLE TO in
the Resource area. We don't have a OLAP CUBE yet but it says that you
can just update the Resource Availability.
Can't seem to get it to work. We are running MS Project Server ERP and
MS Project Pro on our desktops, both are 2003.