Resource Availability



Hi All,

PS 2007.
how to see resource who have avaibility work in pwa?
i know i can view in resource center--view avaibility...but in that feature
i can't completetly view all resource avaibility.
1. my management want to view all resource who have avaibility from Jan -
Jun 2009, how to archieve like that?
2. How to replace resource in on going projects?
3. In MS Project...we can use resource sharing so we can add or choose
resources, but how to use this feature in PS 2007??



Gérard Ducouret

Hello reza,
Answers in the texte...

reza said:
Hi All,

PS 2007.
how to see resource who have avaibility work in pwa?
i know i can view in resource center--view avaibility...but in that
i can't completetly view all resource avaibility.

GD : What is missing in this view, according to your needs?
1. my management want to view all resource who have avaibility from Jan -
Jun 2009, how to archieve like that?

GD : you can adapt the timescale in the View availability page
2. How to replace resource in on going projects?

GD : Use the Replace button on the Assign Resource dialog
3. In MS Project...we can use resource sharing so we can add or choose
resources, but how to use this feature in PS 2007??
GD : By default, Project Server shares all resources between all projects.
For example, in the Project center of PWA, select a project row then click
the Build Team button.


Thanks for your reply...
1. can u give me more detail explanation about adapt timescale in view
availability page?
2. Clear Answer (thanks)
3. Understood...but in ms project if we use resource sharing we can use drop
down for adding resource in resource name...but how about in ps 2007??

Gérard Ducouret


In the Resource Availibilty page of PWA, click the Settings button.
There, you have access to the Date range calendars and the units drop down
list: Days, Weeks, Months, Years

Unlike Resource plan and actiivties, you can assign resources to tasks in
Project details. You ahve to assign resources to tasks in Project Pro

Gérard Ducouret

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