Hello Lee,
Yes, it's possible, but that needs some work :
For each resource (I hope you don't have hundreds of resources...) you have
to create a custom field from a Flag field :
For Bill, insert the Flag1 field in any table : Insert / Column....
Right click on the Flag1 caption / Cutomize Fields...
Rename : Bill for ex.
Formula : IIf(InStr(1;[Resource Names];"Bill");-1;0)
Now, you'll have to create a specific bar for each resource in the Gantt
Format / Bar Styles...
Create a new bar similar to the blue Task bar, the main diference is :
Show For : Normal;Flag1
Choose the color you want.
Tell us if it works !
Gérard Ducouret
Lee said:
Can you change the appearence of of the task bars by assigning a resource.
ie when assigning Bill to a task all Bill's tasks change to green. When
assigning Mary to a task all Mary's task change to pink etc etc