Resource calendar *not* overriding Project calendar



Hi all,

Hope you can help figure out why this is happening.

1. Project calendar is set to UK. March 25 and March 29, 2005 are
blocked out as holidays on the UK calendar.

2. Resource calendar for "Joe Resource" is set to US, with Mar 25 & 29
as working days.

3. A task that starts on March 25 for "Joe Resource" and is set for a
fixed duration of 1 day, shows a span of 3 days. The task starts on
Friday, Mar 25, and ends on Tue, Mar 29.

Why is the resource calendar not overriding the project calendar?
Since "Joe Resource's" calendar is US, he should have only one day of
work, not 3.

The only way we can get this to work correctly is to set the Task
calendar on the individual task to US, and that seems to fix it.
However, that's not how the system should work, correct?

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Mike Glen

Hi Phyl,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I've set up a new project as per your setting and I get the task scheduled
on the Gantt Chart on 25 March only. Are you certain you set the resource
to the US Calendar? Check through Resource Sheet, double click on the
resource, click on the Working time tab and check the base calendar is US.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Daniel Zitter - Matan Consulting

Hi Phyl,

Did you happen to change the Task Type to "Fixed Duration"? If you did than
the project will use the project Calendar and not the resorces calendar.

Hope this helps,



Hi Daniel,

Actually, it *is* fixed duration. So, if we change it to fixed units
or fixed work, then it will work with the resource calendar? I'll try
that tomorrow ... when I'm in the office!


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