I am new to MS Project and did not see this addressed in a previous thread:
I have a fixed number of resources that I have assigned to my project's
tasks. I would like to see a view and print a report that shows how much
total slack is available for an individual resource (not the tasks), by
calendar month. I have looked at the workload and resource usage report but
this only shows work or work availability and not in a graphical format.
What we have done previously is enter the information manually into excel.
In that case we simply entered in the total number of resrouces required for
a particular task (1, 1.5 ,etc) for a particular month. Resources and tasks
for the rows, months for the columns. Then we would use excel to create a
graph which would give us an idea of project slack available for a particular
month (i.e. how we are using our resources for a particular month). I'd like
to do the same thing with Project, preferably in a graph. Even if I have to
export this info to excel and graph it that would also be ok. Ideally, we
would roll this information up into a department report that will would
contain of this information for each project in the department. I guess this
would be a view which shows total number of resrouces, and how they are
allocated (under or over) over time, as opposed to a seperate view for each.
Can Project do this natively or do I need to purchase some kind of add in?
Thanks in advance,
I am new to MS Project and did not see this addressed in a previous thread:
I have a fixed number of resources that I have assigned to my project's
tasks. I would like to see a view and print a report that shows how much
total slack is available for an individual resource (not the tasks), by
calendar month. I have looked at the workload and resource usage report but
this only shows work or work availability and not in a graphical format.
What we have done previously is enter the information manually into excel.
In that case we simply entered in the total number of resrouces required for
a particular task (1, 1.5 ,etc) for a particular month. Resources and tasks
for the rows, months for the columns. Then we would use excel to create a
graph which would give us an idea of project slack available for a particular
month (i.e. how we are using our resources for a particular month). I'd like
to do the same thing with Project, preferably in a graph. Even if I have to
export this info to excel and graph it that would also be ok. Ideally, we
would roll this information up into a department report that will would
contain of this information for each project in the department. I guess this
would be a view which shows total number of resrouces, and how they are
allocated (under or over) over time, as opposed to a seperate view for each.
Can Project do this natively or do I need to purchase some kind of add in?
Thanks in advance,