Resource Capacity Problem


David F-H

I am using Project Server 2007 / SQL Server 2005 and have just found that the
capacity for most enterprise resources is incomplete. I have found that the
MSP_EpmResourceByDay table for many (but not all) resources have no records
after 30/11/2006. This is despite the fact that I have the following
Resource Capacity Settings (under Additional Server Settings):
Months Behind: 12
Months Ahead: 16
Scheduled Time: 1:00 am

Some resources, however, have records up to 30/4/2009, which is correct.

I have looked at "Manage Queue Jobs" for all job completion states but can't
see the job that sets Resource Capacity? Also, using the Resource Centre and
clicking "View Availabity" also shows zeroes against these resources / dates.
Note that the resources themselves have no availability restrictions. I have
also checked with our systems administrator who says that nothing else should
be running on the server at that time (1am).

Can someone advise the following:
- Should this job show in the Manage Queue Jobs screen?
- Are there any logs that can be checked?
- What logs (if any) can be checked for problems of any sort?
- How can you manually run this job (I tried setting the scheduled time to
a couple of minutes ahead, but could not see any evidence of anything in the
job queue, and no change over an hour later to the capacity settings /

Can someone please help asap - it is holding up some reports I need to get


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Is your cube building correctly? It seems as though the resource capacity
routines rely on the cube process for some or all of the data. If one fails,
the other fails as well. Yes, this should show as a failed job in the queue.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

David F-H

Hello Gary,
Actually I'm not using cubes at all - my reporting is driven by a SQL
extract straight from the SQL ProjectServer_Reporting database. There are
two methods that I can use to determine that the resource capacity appears
1. Query the
ProjectServer_Reporting.dbo.MSP_EpmResourceMSP_EpmResourceByDay SQL table -
all records are missing after 30/11/2006 for many (but not all resources).
2. From the Resource Centre, select the resources and click "View
Availability" - the problem resources show a capacity of zero, even before
30/11/2006 (so not even consistent with the table) ?

However, I changed the setting for retaining job output for "Manage Queue"
Reporting (under Queue Settings > Cleanup Age Limit For Successful Jobs)
and I can now see that job type "Reporting (Resources Capacity Range Sync)"
ran successfully early this morning at 3am. Is there any output / logs for
this job that can be interrogated to see errors / warnings / statistics of
any kind?

I'm at a loss to understand why this is not working. FYI - I ran the same
extract job a couple of weeks ago, and picked up information for the same
resources which now show no capacity. The only changes I have made are
adding some exceptions to their resource calendars, and possibly changing a
couple of base calendars (no major changes to either).

David F-H

Thanks Gary, but I believe I have solved the problem. One of the changes
that I made in the last couple of weeks to the resources was to add "Team
Name", and I also checked on "Team Assignment Pool". This was to enable PMs
to use the Team Name column in their Resource Views. Last night I unchecked
the "Team Assignment Pool", and this morning the capacity figures were all
changed back to their correct values.

I'm not sure if this behaviour is intended, or whether it is another bug in
Project Server. The help for this just states the following - "In the Team
Details section, if you want the user to be a member of a existing team,
select the Team Assignment Pool check box, and then type the name of the team
in the Team Name box".

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Oh dear, you're using the lovely help files. Even more daring of you than
using 2007 itself! It is only appropriate to select the Team Assignment Pool
value when creating a Team Resource, which is a generic type of resource
representing the team assignment pool. Project managers should assign the
Generic Team Resource to tasks that they want to assign to the team. You do
not select this value for the resources who you want to belong to the
assignment pool, you simply select the team name value. Thanks for sharing
the solution which will help me and others to recognize this behavior in the


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
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