Resource Center - Hours put in wrong place


Mitch C

I am having a frustrating time trying to get a resources hours to appear in
the correct month. My company would like to track vacation hours in a MS
Project Schedule, and track the hours as part of the overall resource time

I have loaded all names into a Schedule, and allocated the resources 100%
for the duration of their vacations. I am starting in June, and if I only
have June entered, then the hours appear correctly in the resource center
Availability view. However, if I add previous months (Jan - May, with no
hours of vacation) the resource hours for June vacation appear in the January
resource hours. I have set Start No Earlier Constraints and even Actual
Start dates set to June 1.

I thought I had it when I set the Actual Start date (the hours appeared
under June), then I added the month of April (no hours) and everything
reverted back to January.

Is this a bug? Am I doing something obviously wrong (besides tracking
vacaction in this manner - which wasn't my first choice). Thanks for any

Andrew Lavinsky

I, assume you're using MOPS 2007.....

Not sure I understand, so you are displaying additional months in the View
Availability view? Is that what you mean by adding months?

Are you sure that you're not looking at the availability line and not the
work line? If within View Availability you toggle to the Assignment Work
by Project view, do you see that the January hours are coming from the Vacation
project or from another project?


Mitch C

Thanks for your help, I knew this would be difficult to explain.

We are using MOPS 2007.

We are trying to look at each resources availability and capacity for each
month. I have created a "vacation" project, which has the hours of vacation
entered for a resource for each month (for example, 16 hours of vacation for
June). This entry is constrained by a "Start No Earlier Than 6/1/09"
constraint. There are entries for January through May with no hours applied
to the resource.

When I open up Resource Center, I look at the Assignment Work by Resource
view, and the hours are logged for that resource under the "vacation" project
in January (not in June where I would expect them). The hours are logged
under the correct project, just in the wrong month.

Interestingly, there is one resource (out of 20) that the work is allocated
in the correct place (June). I cannot discern any differences in the way the
resources are set up.

I hope that clarifies a little. If not, I can try to explain further.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


Mitch C

Yes, I have published. I have tested a number of different methods to get
things to work, so I publish, then check the Resource Assignment data.


Mitch C

I believe (from looking at the MS Project Professional About screen) I am at
version 12.0.6211.1000 SP1 MSO (12.0.6320.5000).

I am not sure what my Server Version is. I looked under Server Settings and
could not find a build numbers (sorry, I am not overly experienced with the
server side). Where would be the best place to look for this?



Gary L. Chefetz


Do you have a Project Server administrator? You may be seeing the results of
bugs and the only way we can make that determination is to make sure your
system is updated with the latest patches. There have been a bunch of fixes
around actual work that have been implemented since first release 2 years
ago. I would recommend that you install SP2 and the April CU to cover most
of them. You may need to manually correct actual work errors that are
already in the system after applying the updates.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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