Resource completes tasks well ahead of schedule.


John Sitka

What is the graphical representation to show this when the logical plan is inaccurate.
ex. 4 hour task was scheduled Thursday but it was almost completed
previous Monday.

The case is the plan assumed finish to start linkages surrounding this task
but a resourceful resource realized he could get 3 hours completed well before the
predecessor finished. If a planner dosen't know this before had how does one
display the actual work done at the actual time it was done! A circular arguement
could ensue here but for this case assume that the planner does not know
"every" nuance of "every" profession and therefore might make a finish to start link
when some other type might be more suitable. I guess what I'm looking for
is an actual timeline bound display of when work was performed as well as a progess
bar over the incorrectly split (but effectively unknowable) task bar.


Here is a 1st position example. A project was scheduled to start with task A on Thursday
but the resource recorded actuals on the previous Monday. He got an early start.

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


If you're plan is effort-based, and your tracking method is hours worked and
worked remaining, and resources report hours worked every day, then the
system should display the actual graphic representation of the way work was
reported in the Gantt chart, showing the tasks split with the dependency
line going backward in time. If that's not what you're seeing, then you're
not tracking your project using a method that will reveal this type of


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

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John Sitka

Project is
schedule as late as possible,
fixed work.

A resource is in PWA and sees his task off in the future,
records actual work against it.
Upon update of Actual Work, the task's Actual start date (or finish) is Task start date.
Which seems impossible. How can a resource enter actual work in the future?
That's why I though it was graphical representation. Now I'm not sure.


John Sitka

Hmm, Now I'm getting a slightly different result which looks correct.
I'm going to let this roll till tomorrow and mock up the situation again.
(Record some more early actuals) As in next day, tracking etc. more like real life.
And see how it goes.. This is my first attempt at "as late as possible" Sorry for not
mentioning that right in the Subject.

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