Resource Cost Changes


E Carlsson

Is there a quick way to modify resource cost rates in an enterprise
environment so that different rates can be set for different groups of

The only way I now is to open each resource's cost table and manually
entering them. this process can be very tedious and subject to errors that
may be difficult to track.

Also, is there a way to do the same for the other cost tables (i.e., B, C,
D, or E)?

A second question around the same topic is can we use cost rates different
than those in the enterprise environment for specific projects?

Jan De Messemaeker


For the default cost rate (A): tis obne can be entered as cost in teh
resource sheet. If you first sort this shheet by group it is easy to enter
once then copy down.
For an elegant solution for the other rate tables I'm afraid you'll need VBA


E Carlsson,

On the View menu, click Task Usage then Insert the column "cost rate table"
This will help you easly assign the cost rate table

You can use the above for method for all the tables

To answer your second question I dont think so.However wait for more
responces from MVP's .
Hope this helps

E Carlsson

I understand that you can do that for the Standard Cost Rate Table A and that
you can add that column in the Resource Sheet, but I have not been able to
find a way to specify the date when a change in rate should take place.

I was afraid that you needed special programming to update the other rate
tables. Do you have some standard VBA scripts to add costs to the other rate

Thanks for your help.

Jan De Messemaeker


No, I'm sorry.
The objects to look up for help are
CostRateTables Collection, and

Hope this helps

K Martin


Did you ever figure out how to efficiently update the Resource Cost Rate
Tables? I am experiencing the same dilemma you were and would prefer to
have a more automated way to update several hundred Resource Rates.


K Martin

E Carlsson

Not yet.
I have talked to some people at Microsoft, but I understand that it needs
special programing to able to automate this. You cannot change the rates on
a project specific basis if you are using the MSP Server (to the best of my

I think it is a significant deficiency of the current version of MSP and
should be addressed.

K Martin

Thanks for the info. I thought that might be the case, since there didn't
seem to be any answers for it. I am looking into some VB options, but I'm
not sure I'll be able to figure it out!

R.Scott Fleming

Any update since you first posted this back awhile ago. I agree that this is
a real deficiency in the product... I too need to update rates and dates and
find this process tedious and un-reliable...

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