Michael Brown
In PS2007, there are several new pre-defined (resource) fields, including
"group", "code", "Cost Center" and "Cost type". We actually do use cost
center within our department. Is there a way to associate a lookup table to
the cost center field? I know I can set up the look up table itself, but
haven't figured out a way (if it's possible at all) to tie this look up field
to one of Microsoft's pre-defined fields as opposed to a custom field I
"group", "code", "Cost Center" and "Cost type". We actually do use cost
center within our department. Is there a way to associate a lookup table to
the cost center field? I know I can set up the look up table itself, but
haven't figured out a way (if it's possible at all) to tie this look up field
to one of Microsoft's pre-defined fields as opposed to a custom field I