Using Project 2007 Professional and Project Server 2007.
It appears that when a resource's units are set to less than 100% (I am
using 50% on all tasks), that Resource Leveling does not happen. Is this
correct or am I seeing a bug?
It depends how the resources are allocated across tasks and durations.
If a resource is available 100% but only allocated to two tasks at one
time at 50% there is no reason for the system to level the resource
because they are not over allocated.
Recommend you try with 1 resource and 3 tasks. Make all tasks, say 10
days long and start on the project start date. Assign the same
resource to all 3 tasks at 50% allocation. Resource levelling the 3
tasks should push one of the tasks out and allow two tasks to run in
parallel. If this doesn't happen you need to check your resource
levelling settings. Setting levelling to "month by month" or "week by
week", for example might not be appropriate in your case.