Mike C
We have projects in our organization that are more a continuous effort, not
really a true peoject. We need to track resource time for allocation
purposes so we have created projects and tasks to book time and allocate to.
Example would be server support. I would allocate "Mike resource" to this
Server Support task at 10% flat loaded for the year. I make the task type
Fixed Units. This flat loads the resource at 4 hours per week for the year.
This is perect. The issue comes when their actuals are more then the 4
hours. This should, in my opion only change duration, but it also does
change their units as well. Once the units change it also can change the
hours allocated per week. Am I missing something here? Could it be that the
task type was something other then fixed units when it was originally
created? Thanks
really a true peoject. We need to track resource time for allocation
purposes so we have created projects and tasks to book time and allocate to.
Example would be server support. I would allocate "Mike resource" to this
Server Support task at 10% flat loaded for the year. I make the task type
Fixed Units. This flat loads the resource at 4 hours per week for the year.
This is perect. The issue comes when their actuals are more then the 4
hours. This should, in my opion only change duration, but it also does
change their units as well. Once the units change it also can change the
hours allocated per week. Am I missing something here? Could it be that the
task type was something other then fixed units when it was originally
created? Thanks