Resource non-working time



I have assigned a resource's non-working time over the holidays, and have not been able to get that resource's assigned tasks to slip to her next available day automatically. These are tasks that are shared with other resources but I didn't think that should matter. Can someone offer some guidance on how to get this to happen?

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Michelle,

Have you set the Priority of these non-working time tasks to 1000 which is
the max. value for priority.
Then you level the resource load : Tools / Level Resources... / Leveling
Order : Priority, Standard / Level Now.

But why don't you use the Resource Calendar ? Tools / Change Working Time...

Gérard Ducouret

Michelle said:
I have assigned a resource's non-working time over the holidays, and have
not been able to get that resource's assigned tasks to slip to her next
available day automatically. These are tasks that are shared with other
resources but I didn't think that should matter. Can someone offer some
guidance on how to get this to happen?

Steve House

You'll find that her work has slipped but the others won't until you update
their calendars as well. Resources are considered independent of each other
when on a task.

Steve House
MS Project MVP

Michelle said:
I have assigned a resource's non-working time over the holidays, and have
not been able to get that resource's assigned tasks to slip to her next
available day automatically. These are tasks that are shared with other
resources but I didn't think that should matter. Can someone offer some
guidance on how to get this to happen?

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