Resource not scheduled correctly


Jeff L

I have a task defined as fixed units and start as soon as
possible. I assign 2 resources, each at 100% for a
duration of 2 days. Each resource is assigned 16 hours

I then change the units for either the 1st or 2nd resource
to 50%, leaving the other unchanged. Then I change the
duration from 2 days to 6 days. The resource that I
changed the units to 50% is scheduled out for the entire 6
day duration at the appropriate 50%, but the resource
whose units were not changed (still at 100%) does not get
scheduled beyond the original 2 days. If I extend the
duration to 20 days, the 50% resource gets scheduled out
but the other resource still remains at 2 days.

If I don't change the units on either (leave them both at
100%) and change the duration, they both have their
schedules adjusted out correctly.

If I delete the resource that was left unchanged (100%),
then re-add them, they get setup with the correct number
of hours for the duration (6 days, 48 hours).

What is happening? What do I need to do to correct this?


Dale Howard

Jeff L --

Congratulations! You have stumbled on a little quirk in Microsoft Project
2002. Here is what is going on with your project:

1. When you assign both resources at 100% Units and 16 hours of Work,
Microsoft Project 2002 recalculates the Duration at 2 days using the
Duration equation.

2. When you change the Units to 50% for one of the resources, Microsoft
Project 2002 will calculate the Duration for each task assignment
separately, and will then set the Duration for the entire task according to
which resource is the "driving resource." Because the assignment Duration
for the resource working only 50% Units is 4 days, the Duration of the
entire task is now set to 4 days.

3. When you change the Duration for the entire task to 20 days, only the
Work for the "driving resource" is changed. In this case, the Work value
for the resource working at 50% Units is recalculated to 80 hours. On a
Fixed Units task, when the Duration is changed, Work is recalculated for the
"driving resource." If both resources were "driving resources", then the
Work for both resources would be recalculated.

Hope this helps.

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