Resource not showing in ERP in Project Server - but seen in PWA


Joe Mitura

In PWA I can see a resource, I can modify his settings, add him to a group,

But when I go thru Project and OPEN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE POOL, he isn't there.

Troubleshooting done:
--I have selected inactive accounts and applied filter when opening ERP.
--I am doing the Open ERP as Administrator and open PWA as administrator.
No modification has been done to the administrator account.
--I see other resources, no problem.
--The only difference that I can see, we enter resources as lastname;
firstname. This user was put in as lastname, firstname. Yes a comma. I
want to go in and remove the comma and put the semi-colon in. But I want to
edit in Project Server not PWA.
--I don't see the resource if I try and add him to a project as a resource.

This incident is very similar I believe to the Tech Net post Enterprise
Resource Pool in Microsoft Project Server dated 7/21/2005 8:35 AM PST from
Williams. I did not see a solution. I did not know if one was found.

And as a side question. How can I check if my PWA list matches my ERP list.
I am worried that this isn't the only instance where a resource shows in PWA
but not ER. I have about 400 resources.

Thank you
Joe Mitura
(e-mail address removed)

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Joe,
Are you really sure that this resource isn't set to "Inactive" ?

Gérard Ducouret

Joe Mitura

Yes, I am sure he isn't inactive. And I have selected show inactives. And
I can see other inactive accounts.



I am having the same problem. In my case, about 15% of my resources show up
in PW but not in ERP. I would really appreciate any suggestions. (Note: the
resources are *not* inactive, I have admin rights on both sides, and our user
names are of the form "firstname.lastname" - based on the Windows account




Your mail suggests you were comparing admin|users (PWA) with the MSP
enterprise resource pool. Have you compared the resource center
(Resource Summary) with the MSP enterprise resource pool? These will be
the same unless you have problem publishing these details when saving
the enterprise resource pool.

Creating a resource via the enterprise resource pool will always create
a user account (with the exception of generics). Creating a user
account will not create a resource. Therefore looking at a list of
users in PWA is not the same as looking at resources in the resource
pool, and may explain your differences.



Joe Mitura

Aaah. Now we are getting closer, but more confused.

Yes the user does not appear in the resource center. Which shows that the
Resouce Center and the ERP are the same.

But my dilema. I can't add the user to the ERP. It throws a user account
error, which leads me to believe that it already exists. How can I make a
resource from the ERP if it already exists as an account.

So user in PWA, not in resource center. How do I get this PWA user into
resource center?

Thanks for reply. It gets me closer.



I have the same problem as Joe, and I am comparing the resource center with
the Entrprise resources. The only difference in mine is that I'm trying to
"see" generic resources in the resource pool. They show up on PWA, but not
in the enterprise pool. I've tried to add one of them and it says duplicate
name. So I know it's there, it's just hidden some how.



I was having a similar issue. In my case I was syncing AD to Resource Pool
and several users where not appearing in ERP.
I did the following:

I did the following to resolve my missing resources.

a. Open MS office Project
b. create a project
c. add missing resource name as listed in AD ex: Flinstone, Fred
d. save/close project
e. select tools -> enterprise options -> import resource to enterprise.

Now user should appear in ERP.

Hope this helps out.

Joe Mitura

Thanks for all of the replies.


I tried your solution, no go. The project spooler threw out erros when I
tried this.

But I did find a solution if messy.

I went into PWA, deleted the user and then was able to recreate it as an
Enterprise Resource. I still don't know how many this affects but now I know
how to fix it.

Hope this helps.


When you say "It throws a user account error, which leads me to believe
that it already exists", what is the error message?

In my experience when, adding a resource to the ERP with windows
authentication, you must provide a valid AD account (account name).
This is how MSP relates account info to the ERP and single sign on. If
you are set to mixed mode authentication, then you enter the PS account
name or the AD account name.

Joe Mitura

I didn't capture the error in frustration. The users were associated to an
AD account and they never logged in with PS authentication.


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